Rooster Illustration (Color)

Pen and ink illustration with color pencil. I was inspired to draw this when I saw some vintage fabric embroidered with chickens.

Prints Available

Custom Framed Prints

Rooster Illustration Custom Framed Print

Custom sizes up to 30 x 24 inches with thousands of framing / mat options. Canvas, metal, and acrylic prints also available.

Basic Framed Prints

Framed Rooster Art Print

10 x 12 inch framed print with white mat. 3 colors and 3 frame styles to choose from.


I sell my Rooster Illustration artwork on products from

Lobster Claw and Wine Pattern on Fabric

Rooster Art Pattern Fabric made into table cloth

A pattern made from the Lobster Claw and Wine illustration is available on fabric, wallpaper, and linens at